Mapping the biota and quantification of synergistic impacts of climate change and human uses on joint nature assets including fishery and energy sectors.

 Partners: EMI, SPBRC & EME


Harmonized modelling provides map layers of key environmental variables, pressures and human uses. Human impact is viewed in a transboundary perspective while considering developments in different parts of the Baltic Sea, their overall impact and synergy. Such scenario modelling demonstrates how adverse consequences of eutrophication and climate change can be mitigated by applying smarter spatial allocation of different human uses. Current activity provides innovation and fosters economic growth while appling ecosystem-based approach, promoting coexistence of different activities and supporting sustainable development of marine areas. Its unique focus on scenario-based spatial prediction of biodiversity and ecosystem services, coupled with legal and economic instruments for maritime spatial planning provides great potential for advancing cross-border management in the Gulf of Finland area.


Fisheries biologists

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